Works selected by contemporary artists Nigel Rolfe, Franko B, Leah Capaldi and Jack Tan will be exhibited in a night of Performance Art at the Royal College of Art.

Following a week-long programme of intensive coaching and development, proposed work by students will be selected for an evening of performance at the Battersea campus of the Royal College of Art. As part of the college’s interdisciplinary initiative (AcrossRCA) students from design, animation, visual communication and fine art will be taken through a process of proposal, development, refinement and selection for Performance Night at the RCA.

The event makes apparent how other disciplines, as diverse as industrial design engineering or textiles, can enter, enrich and inform performance art. Questions are raised about how performance consists as a field of enquiry, its development, and the permeability of its boundaries.

The Performance Night exhibition takes place on 3 November 2011, 6.30pm to 10pm.

Free Admission
Royal College of Art, 15-25 Howie Street, Battersea, London SW11 4AS
Public information:
Tel: 0207 590 4444


Franko B - SOMEONE TO LOVE - Peter Scott Gallery, 21st October - 12th November 2011.



Works selected by contemporary artists Nigel Rolfe, Franko B, Leah Capaldi and Jack Tan
will exhibited in a night of Performance Art at the Royal College of Art.

Following a week-long programme of intensive coaching and development, proposed work by students will be selected for an evening of performance at the Battersea campus of the Royal College of Art. As part of the college’s interdisciplinary initiative, students from design, curating, animation, visual communication and fine art will be taken through a process of proposal, development, refinement and selection for Performance Night at the RCA.

The event makes apparent how other disciplines, as diverse as industrial design engineering or textiles, can enter, enrich and inform performance art. How performance consists as a field of enquiry, its development, and the permeability of its boundaries.
The Peformance Night exhibition takes place on 3 November 2011, 6.30pm to 10pm.

Free Admission
Royal College of Art, 15-25 Howie Street, Battersea, London SW11 4AS
Public information:
Tel: 0207 590 4444


Franko B logo has been updated (October 2011). New content added to gallery, text and events pages.

RIP Biggie ♥

We are a heartbroken home today. Our beloved Biggie has been put to eternal rest. We are so sad to lose him, but are at ease knowing he's no longer sick with the cancer we didn't even know he had. :(

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

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SOMEONE TO LOVE - reminder

© Thomas Qualmann Franko B's solo show, SOMEONE TO LOVE opens at Peter Scott Gallery, Lancaster on 20th October, with an artist's talk chaired by Dr Emile Devereaux on Friday 21st at 2pm. 

More info. and tickets here.

'Franko B is an instinctive and direct artist whose unique consideration of himself and what it is to be human is internationally recognised in a practice that spans performance, live art, installation and sculpture. In a display containing newly commissioned work, Peter Scott Gallery presents an installation that focuses on the fate of animals, who for Franko B “represent the balance of life”. 

There is darkness in the work, a sense of gothic terror and romance, but also a sense of new purpose for the objects and animals on display - they have been saved from demise and given a new lease of life. Furthermore the artist is present, prepared and presented like the other exhibits. Franko draws a line between himself and these animals, and shares their vulnerability in being on display. After all, “What difference is there?” Franko B asks, for whom “humans are animals with an ego and Gucci glasses.”' 

Exhibition open 21st October - 12th November. Demo Assets - Logos & Assets - logo png

Better, but not yet Well

Omg so whenever we thought JR's fever was gone, it came back with a vengeance! Poor guy had a 101+ fever from Friday 9/30 through Saturday 10/08! But finally, finally! he's feeling better. Better Sunday. More better Monday. Still not 100%, but I am able to work, and he is able to handle the kids. Now if we can just escape the kids getting it I will be so relieved. Me too, I don't want it either.

Substitute his iPad for the teddy bear, but this was JR for nine days. MISERABLE.


Franko B will perform I'M THINKING OF YOU on 25th November 2011 at the Who's Afraid of Performance Art festival at GRÜ, Geneva.

Information and tickets here.

Bâtiment d'Art Contemporain- rue des Bains 8, 1205 Genève
Théâtre du Grütli
tél: +41 (0) 22 328 98 68


Viral Crud

Phew - what a long weekend! JR came down with a fever Friday, walk-in clinic doc prescribed TamiFlu despite negative flu swab, which only exaccerbated all his symptoms and made him miserable! Regular doc said it was just common viral crud, took him off the Rx, and he got to feeling better very quickly. The fever did last through Tuesday, and he's certainly not 100% but no longer stuck in bed in the fetal position huddled under the covers. I so hope the kids and I don't get it!


Londonewcastle invites you to
Neon + Vinyl
presented by Plus Art Projects at Londonewcastle Project Space

Time Out First Thursdays Late evening: Thursday 6th October, 6pm
Frieze week party: Friday 14th October, 6pm

exhibition continues until 20th October 2011

Plus Art Projects’ alternative Frieze show ‘Neon + Vinyl’ is exhibiting new art works in neon and vinyl by Tracey Emin, Sarah Lucas, Gavin Turk, Franko B, Regina Silveira, Amanda Eliasch, Melville Mitchell, Peter Lamb and Paul Hosking, Alex Baker, Phill Wilson-Perkin, Seamus Farrell, Warren McLachlan, Tim Bromage, Mark Croxford, Morag Myerscough, Luke Morgan, Kim Fielding, Dominic Allan, John Tiney, Jason Davidge, Stik, Marcus Mitchell, Jason Minsky, Giorgio Sadotti, Nick Kennedy, Will Strong, John Close, Will Marshall, The DnA Factory, Peter Ainsworth, Gemma Land, Damien Good, Dingbot McLatchley, David Wood, Craig Robertson, Sarah Blood, Laura Graham, Jonathan Wright, Ken Graham, Jim Woodall, Pete Jones and Amelia Newton Whitelaw amongst others.

The show is unique in drawing together a wide range of creative talent to work with media traditionally associated with street level advertising and industrial processes. We are challenging artists to subvert these media and find new ways to communicate.

Curated and produced by neonist Kerry Ryan, artist Declan McMullan and Jessica Temple, ‘Neon + Vinyl’ is the fourth Frieze week show from Plus Art Projects.

Opening Times: Thursday 6th - Thursday 20th October 2011. Open every day from 10am -6pm. Late viewing by appointment

The Londonewcastle Project Space is a gallery and exhibition space in Shoreditch created by property brand Londonewcastle as a platform for creatives and artists to display their work and further their practice. The gallery is donated to users who might not otherwise have the opportunity to show their work and forms part of the ongoing local cultural discourse.

28 Redchurch Street
London E2 7DP

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