The Midnight Orange

Some time ago, I stumbled upon an artist whose work sometimes brings me to tears. I've never purchased anything of hers, but do read her infrequent blog posts and follow her Etsy shop. The story of why she sculpts child angels always touches me, and I noticed when reading it today that she hopes the story is widely shared.

She sculpted the "Harvest" below for Christopher's mother commemorating his angelversary. :) Many other heartfelt and beautiful pieces at

I'M THINKING OF YOU - reminder

Franko B will perform I'M THINKING OF YOU at Montpellier Danse festival on 27th June.
More information and tickets here.2

Phoebe on Two Wheels!! :)

She did it! I arrived home yesterday to find Phoebe's friend Samara graciously pushing Phoebe all around on her two-wheel bike - doing all the balancing and propulsion - poor Samara looked exhausted! So I (despite no food and no energy) relieved Samara of her duties and took Phoebe to a small grassy hill in our courtyard. She whined and pleaded and wanted to chicken out, but I told her it was either ride it or put it away. She reluctantly got on. She begged me to not let go. I assured her I wouldn't (I was lying). I ran along with her holding the seat for a split second, and when I saw that she was in fact balancing herself, I gave a little shove for momentum and off she went! She was so excited and proud of herself! The first words out of her mouth were "That was fun!" and her little gaggle of neighborhood friends confirmed for her that it gets even more and more fun with practice. We spent another hour walking up and fearlessly riding down the little hill. She's still working on steering, and stopping, and momentum (hard to do in grass), but with the balance part down, she'll be zipping and zooming around in no time.

I continue to be amazed at how very very much I enjoy such moments with my children. I was all sweaty, still in my work clothes, exhausted and weak, and delighted to my core. :)

FRANKO B - feature

arte contemporanea, web magazine, tendenze,lifestyle, moda

Cover of LOBODILATTICE, 6th June 2011franko b -
Franko B. even the loser has a good time at the party
Oh, My Loverboy. Protect Me. I Miss You. Franko B. ha sempre usato il cortocircuito semantico come canale di espressione privilegiato. Il suo corpo eccessivo, tatuato, crocicchio sincronico fra le freak-parade del Diciannovesimo Secolo, i tavoli delle notomie, le segrete degli interrogatori rinascimentali, le tribù delle subculture di fine millennio, vira dal bianco al nero per ansia di purezza. Franko B. si apre le vene e crea percorsi di sangue, per mostrare il dolore all’indifferenza degli spettatori. E titola le sue cruente alchimie di umori con dichiarazioni di desiderio struggente. La sua eleganza e pulizia formale ha metabolizzato una grande varietà di media, dalla performance, all’installazione, alla creazione di oggetti, ambienti, vestiti. Il neon rosso, simbolo a metà strada fra il camp della sessualità mercenaria, il condotto venoso sublimato e l’idea di qualcosa di morbido e luminoso, si piega a comporre messaggi d’amore e solitudine. My Heart Is Yours, Do You Want It? I Feel Lonely, Please Call Me. Even the Loser Has a Good Time At The Party. La croce rossa raffigura l’eccedenza di significati propria dei simboli. E quindi la cura del dolore, la sollecitudine, l’universo queer delle uniformi di latex, l’universalità del dolore, la connessione con la simbologia religiosa del martirio e della sua santità. [translate]

Spontaneous New Outfit

I headed to work this morning in stinky shoes, a skirt that was too snug, and a top that was too hot. I stopped at Target to get cash to take to Phoebe at school so she could purchase a school yearbook, and got lured into the women's clothing section to explore the possibility of a more comfortable skirt. I immediately found a delightful little $24.99 summer dress, which - low and behold - fit perfectly, which never happens when I am actually clothes shopping. That little victory sent me into the shoe dept where I found an equally delightful little pair of strappy black patent sandals for $19.99 that I couldn't resist. I paid for my purchase, changed in the Target restroom, and headed to work feeling pretty and very summery. :)

FRANKO B GUITAR - Jovanotti video
- Lorenzo Jovanotti video featuring a special edition guitar designed by Franko B, which was  made by the students of professor Gildo Pannochia at the Institute of Arts, Macerata and sponsored by Eko, Italia.

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